
Well, there wasn't too much howling involved in getting the gumdrop 'dough' out of the pan today. lol  At first I thought it might not come out at all, because the mixture is very sticky.  But with some peeling and tugging it came out.  It was a little precarious for a few moments there, trying to peel it out of the pan without it sticking to me or anything else---or worse, sticking all to itself.  But pretty quickly it was laying all flabby on a bed of sugar on the cutting board.  At this point, before drying, gumdrops are really quite gross, in my opinion.  The flavor is there, but the consistency is rather too slithery for my taste! lol  They are much better after they have dried in the air for a couple weeks and gotten more chewy.  So now they are cut into cubes, dipped in sugar and air drying in the spare room---hopefully far enough away from the air freshener! That is my biggest concern with drying food like that in the open air--that they will end up tasting like Baja Breeze or Beach Cabana or Sandalwood & Vanilla---or whichever fragrance is wafting at the time.  =s 

 Hopefully they will dry up nicely!

I also have some towel pics--finally!


The last 2 are my favorites, and I think that green one is my favorite of all the towels I've done!  Love it!  (See, Morado, at least you can see them here if I forget to bring them to Funtown!)

In other news, I finally ordered myself a DSLR camera!!  I've been wanting one for some time now and my dear little point-and-shoot is wearing out.  Still takes great pictures, but the body is starting to break.  So, I decided it was time to jump back into a bigger camera.  What better 40th birthday present to give myself?  I can't wait til it gets here, and then can't wait to try it out in Maine!  Only 20 days!  Yes!!

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