
I'm feeling a little giddy.  Know why?  Paint.  No, not the sniffing kind, I promise! lol  Just plain--and yet not so plain--ol' acrylic paint.  Specifically, Martha Stewart craft paint.  After all the trouble I've had with the nice-to-use, but thinner paint I had been mostly using, I decided that maybe I should go with the thicker, though not as nice-to-use, Martha Stewart paint.  So I started looking through the list, pondering which colors I should order.  It turned into a bit of a list since there are 80 wonderful colors with lovely names like Lake Fog and Sea Glass and Heliotrope and Adobo........you get the idea.  I had decided that I would go with a few at a time........but then.......then.......when I went to the Plaid website today, what should I behold, but a beautiful banner declaring all MS products to be 30% off!!  It was put there just for me---like a sign.  I Needed to buy lots of colors---being 30% off and all.....  So buy lots of colors I did.  I won't tell you how many because then you would truely believe I was crazy and send little men (or perhaps big ones) after me to collect me.  I will tell you that I did Not buy all 80.  There are some colors that seem quite light and I'm not sure if the color would be distinguishable from white on a colored towel.  Those I didn't get (did I really need to tell you that?) lol  I already have a few colors, so obviously didn't need those ones.  So I got a lot of the colors in between---with Free Shipping!  WooHoo!  Seriously, I did debate just getting the amount I had started out to get, but when I added the sale code, the paint actually came up cheaper than 30%.  I knew I would want to get the rest of the colors on my list eventually anyway and even with the $10 off code that Plaid seems to offer frequently, this was still a better deal.  And when I added up what I would save using this sale vs paying full price, I was a gonner.  So I'm feeling a little giddy because soon there will be a box at my door full of bright, delicious colors like Wild Blueberry and Love Bird and Poodle Skirt and Scottish Highlands........What?  You are thinking I need a life?  Well, indeed I might, but until I find one I'll just keep on feeling giddy about paint.  =)

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