
Saturdays off.........ah!

I love Saturdays off, especially Saturdays off at home.  I don't know why Saturday off is any different than a weekday off, but it is.  At least to me.  There is something so delicious about waking on a Saturday morning and knowing that you don't have to go Anywhere.  Today was one of those Saturdays---although I did make a trip in to work this am because I remembered last night--at 10pm mind you--that I had left my ipod there.  On top of the med cart.  Yikes!  I didn't know whether it would still be there this morning, but indeed it was, right where I left it.  I really must be more careful!  So other than that little jaunt, it was a day at home.  I did the dishes and laundry and ironing and then it was time to play...... I made four towels today--that is I stenciled 4 towels.  It doesn't sound like a lot, but it takes me a while sometimes just to figure out what color and stencil to use on a particular towel. You can't just plop any old stencil down and slap paint on it you know!  The stencil needs to "match" the paint and towel colors.  Or maybe I'm just OCD........Anyway, I accomplished 4 and I like all of them!  WooHoo!  That feels like an accomplishment to me, because I have spent time making towels before and didn't like them when I was done---such a disappointment.  But with these today, especially 2 of them, it will be ok if they don't sell, I like them that much.  =)  Sorry, I have no pictures yet, but soon hopefully.  Its been a beautiful day here.  Warm, but not too humid, with nice breezes.  I've had my windows and front door open all day.  I absolutely Love where I am living now.  Its so very peaceful and quiet here---makes it a pleasure to have the windows open. 1000x better than the apartment.  I couldn't begin to count how many times I have thanked God for this place, thanked Him I do not have to return to that apartment any more. I can't believe it's been a year since the first time I drove in this driveway, and felt I had been given a gift from God.  He is Good!

Well, enough rambling for one day.  In fact, I think I hear my paper calling me........=)

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