
Yesterday was the "Support Chick-fil-A Day" and I was feeling disappointed because I didn't think I could go.  Then at the last minute it worked out!  I was really excited to be able to get out there and support them.  It was an amazing experience.  The atmosphere was rather like a large family reunion. You know the kind I'm referring to, have probably been to them more than once in your life.  The kind that include all sorts of extended family---where you know you are all related, but there are a lot of people you don't know well.  That's how it felt yesterday at Chick-fil-A. There was no speech-making or chanting or hateful talk, and definitely no mob feel.  Even though the place was packed and the lines were long, no one was complaining or pushing or cutting in line or anything like that.  There was, however, a LOT of smiles and laughter, and people greeting each other and being polite.  It was incredible! The staff were very busy and while they probably felt frazzled inside, they did not show it on the outside.  They were patient and friendly and courteous, greeting guests and saying "God bless you".  When I got there, there were 2 lines--one on each side of the building--and the line I was in was just starting to back out the door.  I thought we might have to wait so long that we would be late for church, but not so.  It only took 20-25 min for me to have my food in hand and be on my way.  Not bad at all---and Definitely time Well Spent!  I hope and pray that God blesses Chick-fil-A in amazing ways for taking a stand for Him.  After all, HE is the One we, as Christians, stand for.  Not ourselves.  And if God and His Glory are not worth standing for, then who/what is?

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking over all of this a lot...I guess it boils down to people who are telling us we aren't aloud to believe Scripture is true. I don't expect those who don't know Christ to act like they do so I'm not going to try and tell them they should act according to the Bible. At the same time, Christ told us to expect it in John 15:18. Why are we so surprised?
