
I meant to post yesterday and then didn't remember until my computer was shut down for the night.  I was too tired and it was too late to reboot just so I could post.  I'm dedicated to my blog like that.  Anyway, what I was going to write was a "Note to self", something like this:

Note to self:  Your push mower from Sears was Not meant to cut hay.....lol 

Between the heat and periods of dryness I have had to mow much less in the last month or so.  The problem is that when the grass finally grew enough so I had to mow again, I did the main parts and left the side section of the property go.  Longer, apparently, than I should have......Hence the Note.  The side section is odd-shaped and doesn't really fit in any of the other more square sections of the yard, so it gets left to be done by itself.  And, since its more out-of-the-way, it gets put off.  Part of the area grows thinner grass, but the part near the field (which has tobacco planted in it this year, by the way.  I know, you were just dying to know. lol), grows much thicker and taller--rather like hay.  Maybe it gets extra nutrients from the fertilizer on the field, I don't know.  Anyway, this time it had gotten left a bit too long.  Yeah, mowing it with a push mower was not pretty....  On the other hand I'll have to put another star up for the Briggs & Stratton mower from Sears.  It chugged right through the hay with barely a cough.  =)

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