
Olfactory Joy

Coffee....Is there any more wonderful smell in the world than freshly brewed coffee?  I was thinking about this yesterday morning early after I went through the drive-thru at McDonalds.  I had to sit for a minute at the open window while they got my coffee ready, and the smell was heavenly.  I could have sat there for half an hour just sniffing.  I'm quite sure this would have been frowned upon though, so I had to sniff hard for just a minute.  =)  That started me on this train of thought about my favorite smells---aromas, maybe I should say.  I think that if I had to pick just one favorite, coffee would be right there at the top.  Now I like the smell of an apple pie in the oven or spaghetti sauce on the stove or fresh cut onions on the cutting board, etc.  The list could go on and on. There are many captivating scents in our world.  But coffee?  That's in a class all by itself.  I love the smell of the beans in the bag, the grounds in the can,  the brewing in the pot, the steaming in the cup. Doesn't matter.  I love it all.  It's an instant intoxication, a cozy comfort, a peaceful pleasure.  The smell of coffee is what helps pull me out of bed in the "o'dark thirty" hours of the morning.  When it's dark and cold and I have to pull myself out of my snug warm bed and get ready for work, the smell of coffee is comforting somehow.  It's like a friend.  =)  Yes, I know, I need a life! lol  Actually it was coffee that helped me get used to getting up in the mornings after a career that had been mostly evenings and nights.  I'd set the coffee pot to brew so that it would be done just about the time the alarm went off.  Then when I'd wake up feeling yucky and tired, the coffee smell would be there to give me strength to get out of bed.  (Not wanting to waste the coffee helped too!)  So you see, coffee really does have magical powers.  =) But I digress.  Back to smells.  It's interesting to me too that coffee smells wonderful no matter what kind is brewing.  Starbucks, Dunkin', Maxwell House, dark, light, medium........No matter, it all smells wonderful.  There are coffees that I don't enjoy drinking very much: some too weak, some too light, some not hot enough.  But the smell?   Mmmmmm-mmm.  The smell is universally amazing.  I have yet to meet one I didn't like.  So yes, I have put Coffee at the very top of my Favorite Smells In The Universe list.  Next time you wander by a newly opened container or a freshly brewed pot, take a big whiff and see if your nasal passages don't dance.  Try it!  You'll find it is pure, unadulterated Olfactory Joy.  =)

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