
Cold and Shoes

So here's where the challenge starts to happen.  When the time between work and bed is not nearly enough for all that I want to do.  When the blog gets pushed to the back burner because there are other more pressing things to do.  But then I feel disappointed because I really like blogging.  Then I begin to feel the frustration of living by the clock---specifically the time clock at work.  Work dictates so much in my life and doesn't leave me time for the creative side of me.  *sigh*  Such is life I guess.  But I said I was going to blog, so I am going to blog something by hook or by crook! lol 

It was cold here today!!  I had to look at the map to make sure I was still in North Carolina and had not somehow been transported to more Northern lands!  Brrr!  Now I know, those of you who are hale and hearty Northerners shaking your heads.  It was 20 here today and for some of you that number is nearly toasty!  I know!  I have thin blood, what can I tell you!  But for this part of the world 20 is cold!  Shiver me timbers!  But the good news is that it will be back in the 60s just in time for the weekend (my weekend OFF, I might add!), so life is good.  I must remember to go check the fuel gauge tomorrow though.  Running out of fuel at this point is not my idea of fun and excitement.  =)

In other news, I got new shoes!  Nursing shoes I mean.  Now that might not mean much to you, but to anyone who lives on their feet, new shoes are hugely important.  I have been wearing the same ol 2 pair of sneakers for going on a year now.  Too long.  Even expensive sneakers break down after about six months of carrying around this carcase of mine!  I have been meaning to order, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.  You know how it is.  But in the meantime my feet and legs hurt by days end and cramped in the night!  Finally, I got myself in gear and ordered some new ones (on sale too!), and then waited impatiently for them to get here.  Yes, impatiently.  Patience is not one of my virtues.  Unfortunately.  Life would go a whole lot smoother if it was! Anyway, last evening I was bemoaning not yet having the new shoes and my feet hurt---the whole nine yards.  But then a miracle occurred and UPS brought the shoes!  There was the moment of bated breath when I slipped them on, hoping like anything they would fit.  They did!!  They feel wonderful!!  (This time I went back to Sanita for a pair of clogs instead of sneakers.)  I nearly danced for joy!  So off I went to work this morning in my sparkling new shoes---although I did have a moment of pause wondering if I really should wear my backless clogs over the old sneakers on the coldest morning of the year! =)  But my feet argued loudly for the new shoes---and won, too.  Of course there were the usual tender spots that come with being on your feet all day in new shoes, but at least I didn't come dragging home with my legs and feet so worn out I didn't feel like I could get out of the car.  Yay for that!!  It really is amazing what the right shoes will do for a body.   Good shoes make a huge difference in how I feel at the end of the day.  I think I may just order another pair.  =)

Now I'm off to bed after scrounging up something for dinner.  I think it may be cereal.  Again.  =)  Ya'll stay warm!!!

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