
Whew.  As you can see, I have been gone for an entire month plus.  And what a goat-rope of a ride it was.  Don't ask me to explain that phrase. I heard it from a Marine.  But you know what it means without my telling you, don't you?  =)  That's what I love about Military expressions.  They might use a strange sounding phrase, but you don't have to ask anyone what they are talking about.  Anyway.  March was a hard month, but thankfully its gone and done, and hopefully April will be better.  Its not that the whole month was bad, just most of it! lol  I did have a 12-day vacation in the middle, which was great, but the time before and the time after............well, let's just not talk about that, shall we?  I'll just say that emotional issues, work issues, computer issues, and cold weather don't mix! Period.  lol   So.  I'm trying to get back in the swing of blogging.  I'd also like to try following one of those Photo-a-day challenges, but I don't know if I can do that right now or not.  I was all set to try one in March---started it even---and then the computer issues started. Grr.  Which led to the rest of March.......oof.  So one thing at a time.  But at least now I'm looking forward to trying some things again.  And this is a very good thing.

PS. My drain no longer looks like something from the Redneck Home Journal!  Yay!  Thanks Annie!!

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