

I was trying to think of what to post today, and then I saw the news that Baroness Margaret Thatcher, The Iron Lady, had passed.  I was just a teen during her time in office, and not really interested in political goings on (still am not interested too much!), but I remember that her name and Ronald Reagan's name were mentioned together, and that her name was a good name.  Now I know a bit more about her policies and what she did for Great Britain---and Margaret Thatcher is still a good name.  She wasn't perfect I'm sure, but I believe she was the right, strong leader at a time when Britain really needed one.  Policies aside, I admire her for daring to do what she wanted to do.  When she was elected Prime Minister, she was blazing a trail of her own making.  No woman had ever done what she did (in Britain).  I don't know if any had ever attempted to get elected in the first place--let alone be elected more than once!  But she had a vision, she wanted to do it, she did it.  And then, once elected, she stood where she stood and if you didn't like it that was your problem!  I admire that.  I have such difficulty letting go of my fears and just doing what it is that is in my heart to do.  I admire people who just do it and forget about being afraid; who don't worry if everybody likes them. We call her The Iron Lady, which in my book is a compliment.  Too many countries' leaders are all talk and no backbone, and you don't really know where they stand, but you're pretty sure it's not in the country's camp.  Not so with Margaret Thatcher.  You knew where she stood and she stood there firmly.  She was a Patriot, a Leader and a Lady.  America has lost a friend, and we mourn her passing.  Rest In Peace, Iron Lady.

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