
Poison Ivy.....

I suppose it's a miracle really.  I mean, 40 years of being outside, playing in the woods, mowing lawns, pulling weeds, cutting brush--and no poison ivy, oak or sumac.  Til now.  *sigh*  I suppose it had to come sometime, right?  I wore gloves, I tried to be careful, I washed clothes and showered as soon as I was done, but....  I didn't see any sign of it's presence on me until the next day, and even then I saw it before I felt it.  Not itchy or anything.  So I thought 'hmm, maybe I'm just not that allergic to it'.  Wrong-O!  I thought maybe since there were no leaves on it yet, I would be less likely to come in contact with the poison ivy "juice".  But now I'm wondering if getting the sap on you from the bark before it has leafed out is actually worse.  You should see my arm.  No, rather you shouldn't see it.  You don't want to, really you don't.  I have a patch on my right arm that looks rather like something out of a sci-fi horror film.  A red mass of oozing blisters, the like of which I have never seen.  Frankly there have been a few times when it almost made this nurse sick to her stomach to look at it! lol  I have been soaking in oatmeal and epsom salts, and applying calamine, hydrocortisone and ice.  Popping benadryl like candy too.  Right now the patch seems to be staying the same size, the itching is under control and the blisters aren't oozing quite so bad.  It's been so strange though, watching this develop on my arm from a quarter size patch to this 'thing' that is about 2x2.  I've also developed tiny patches elsewhere--days after I came in contact with the plant.  I guess I thought the rash would show up right away--as big as it was going to get.  I keep looking around, half expecting more alien spots to show up! lol  I'm thankful though.  This could have been WAY worse.  I don't know how in the world people take it when they have this all over.  Just the little spots I have and the itching has nearly driven me insane (well, more insane than I am already! lol)  I can't imagine a whole body case.  I think I would have to be locked up!  But enough for now.  Time for more sitting in the chair with ice applied.  Here's hoping for my human skin back soon!  =)

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