
Why is it that I seem to get the most done on the days I don't try?  Today has been one of those days.  I started out slow, spent time lolling over my coffee, "organizing" my dreams.  It's nice to do that once in a while.  Take time to just sit and think over your dreams and hopes and get them in order.  I have so many dreams, and gather so many ideas day after day, they get a bit muddled in my head and make me feel disordered.  So sometimes I need time to sit and file them, as it were.  Maybe none of you ever have the need to do this.  But I do.  I'm special that way.  =)  Anyway.  After I got my dreams all in order, I decided it was time to get down to business on this mile long to-do list of mine.  Amazingly I sailed right along, even though I didn't really feel like starting anything.  And, as happens now and then---maybe the planets were aligned just right, I don't know! lol---I not only accomplished things from today's list, but from tomorrow's too (well, not tomorrow literally, just beyond today, if you know what I mean!).  Without stress!  I love it when that happens!  Some days I start out with the Grand Plan to get a multitude of projects and chores done, and at every turn there is one obstacle or another, or things just don't come together, and I end up feeling very frustrated---and accomplish almost nothing.  But thankfully there are also days like today when I tool along marvelously and get so much done.  Makes me feel downright accomplished!  lol  Later!

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