
Another Adventure

For quite some time I have had a yen to cook my way through a cookbook.  But I am hesitant to start something like that and then get bogged down part way through and quit.  I'm super good at starting things, and of course they are exciting in the beginning, but then I stall in the middle somewhere.  Sometimes I do get them finished---maybe much later---but sometimes I don't.  I don't like that!  So I've been hesitant to start a cookbook project and it be yet another adventure I don't complete.  And then there is the question of which cookbook.  I have a lot!  Should it be a regular cookbook like Julie cooked through in Julie and Julia?  Or should it be a cookbook that contains one particular genre of food, like desserts or cookies, etc.?  So much decision making!  The trouble is, most cookbooks have at least a few recipes that do not appeal to me.  I mean, the thought of making Tomato Jello is simply unthinkable!  And what about Bowtie Pasta with Olives and Anchovies?  *shudder*  What would I do when I came to recipes like that?  Would I just cheat and skip those recipes---and live forever with the knowledge that I did not really cook through that cookbook?  Or would I cook them and then just waste the food because I couldn't stand it?  Neither option appeals to me.  Then the other day it came to me---a lightbulb moment.  Or maybe I should say "candle" moment in my case, as  my excited ideas are sometimes quick to blow out!  Anyway, a light came on.  I have in my possession a photo box (you know those pretty boxes they sell in the craft stores that look kind of like shoe boxes) crammed full of recipes that I have collected over the years.  One year when I was off work for a few months I sat down with all these recipes that I'd pulled out of magazines and glued them all nice-like to cards made from printed cardstock.  I even organized them like a recipe box.  It's really quite pretty.  Have never done much with it, but it's pretty. lol  Mind you this is by no means a complete collection!  I have recipes everywhere!  I have little piles of them stashed all through my house.  I do this on purpose so that if my house is raided I'll still be sure to be left with a little pile of recipes! lol  I couldn't cook all the recipes I have in two lifetimes if I cooked 24/7!  But I consider it a cheap hobby, and once in a while you find something that's a real keeper.  I save them all with the hope that one day I will miraculously have more time than I know what to do with!  Ha!  Anyway, back to the box.  Here I have probably 200 recipes that have all been hand-selected by me.  What better collection to cook through than this one??  No recipes to cheat over, none to make me shudder.  Problem solved!  Now if I really could get a FedEx delivery of time......hmmm.  So I have 2 recipes sitting out to try.  I don't know if I'll get all of them tried or not.  I probably can only do 1 new recipe in a week, maybe 2.  At that rate it will take me about 4 years to get finished!  Can I keep up with a project that long?  I doubt it, but it's a place to start.  I think I will just pick a random recipe from a random category each week---rather than cook through Candy then Casseroles then Dessert, etc.  I will try to post about the recipes I try--good or bad.   I may or may not post pictures.  I am NOT a food blogger!  Don't have anywhere near the patience for that!  When I cook, I cook.  And if you're here you can see all the steps and if you're not.......well you're just outta luck! lol  So here's to another adventure.  We'll see how long it lasts.  But at least there will be no Tomato Jello.........=)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great and wish we could be there to sample each one.
