
Exhaustion or Adrenaline.....

The Exhaustion hit this past weekend.  I should have expected it.  What with all the goings on of the last several weeks, some personal stuff going on, and then work---with a new computer system to boot!  So I shouldn't have been surprised that I felt like a puppet without strings come Friday evening.  But I was.  I wondered what on earth was wrong with me---thought maybe it was a virus or something.   I mean it was that kind of tired where just the thought of moving makes you want to weep, let alone the idea of getting anything done!  I did manage the laundry, craft day at church on Saturday, and Sunday morning service, but not much else.  I wasn't even sure I was going to make it for Sunday morning, but what else was there to do except sit in a chair or lay in bed, and both of those activities make me restless after a while.  So I figured I could at least go sit in the pew and try to absorb something!  =)  It was good too.  This morning, however, I felt much better.  Not a ball of fire or anything, but at least not that mind-numbing exhaustion.  This afternoon though, I am experiencing the other end of the spectrum---adrenaline.  No, nothing disastrous happened at work (thank the Lord!), but I am running all day and then the end of the day is catch up of everything I didn't get to or couldn't do yet, and my head is spinning with everything there is to remember.  Not to mention all the things to remember how to do with this new, complex computer system---and having to wait for it (which is almost more than my nerves can stand!)!  So lately, by the time I punch out I am literally racing on the inside and am having trouble coming down again.  It's not a good high either!  It would be wonderful if I got ramped up and could come home and have the energy to tear into a project or two in order to get calmed down again.  Unfortunately this is that kind of ramped up where you almost feel sick and don't have the energy---or presence of mind---to concentrate on any projects.  Today it's taking a loooong time to come down.  It reminds me of our soldiers after their missions.  If I feel this bad after a day where the only thing threatening me is a new computer system, I can only imagine how they feel after a life-threatening event in the field! No wonder they don't know what to do with themselves sometimes!  I don't know what to do with myself today! lol  Well, ok, maybe it's not just today, but let's not talk about that, shall we?  =)  I think maybe I should install a punching bag!  I have considered it!  Or maybe I should go get mower Fred out and push it wildly back and forth across the yard!  Now wouldn't that be a sight!  But it might at least bring me back to earth more quickly! lol  Really, this thing of extremes is getting to be too much.  I hope things calm down soon so I can plod safely down the middle of the road!  Now excuse me while I go look for something to get me down off this high.  If anyone has any ideas, I'm open!  =)

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