
Stay-cation Days 3-4-5!

As you can see, my stay-cation vacation ran away with me!  Ooh the days fly by when you're having fun--and even when you are not!  Friday (aka Day 3) dawned and suddenly my get-so-much done time at home came to a screeching halt (brakes squealing and even a little smoke!).  Have you ever woken (is that even a word?) and felt like you had been hit by a very large delivery van?  That was Friday.  And I was doing so well, too!  I had it all together, ticking things off the list left and right.  I felt just a bit like my friend Karin in Texas who is always so organized and does things like steaming all her carpets and re-sodding her small patch of lawn on her vacation days.  I'm so jealous!  Anyway, Friday, it seemed my organization and motivation had also gone on vacation.  I did manage a little sewing and another section of lawn, but other than that.......  Friday night the gallbladder was not happy (hadn't been all day, in spite of much water drinking which usually calms it down), so sleep was......partial, shall we say.  But it was better Saturday morning(Day 4), so off I went to Craft Day at church.   We gals get together the 2nd Saturday of every month for crafting---or I should say THEY get together every month.  I only get there about half the year d/t my work schedule.  Grr!  Anyway, this month we did cards for Operation Write Home, which is a group that sends blank handmade cards to soldiers which they can in turn send back to their families.  It's a pretty cool thing.  (Check it out here.)  It was really fun to make cards with other people for a change.  We ended up with 48 cards, which I think was a good days work.  =)  I had intended to get some mowing done after crafting, but on the way home there was rain.  Oh so sad that I could not mow! lol  But it really turned out to be a good thing (divine intervention maybe?), because I also needed to cook for our church lunch the next day.  If I had gone out and mowed the field like I had planned, I would have been so tired to have to cook afterwards.  What did I make?  Bacon potato salad (recipe here ), and a peanut butter/oatmeal cookie with mini m&m's in them.  That one came from my own cookbook.  I'm too lazy to write out the recipe today, but if you want it, just comment or email me.  =)  So that was Saturday.  Saturday night the gallbladder again was not happy.  This time I know it was my fault.  I made homemade spaghetti sauce and just plain ate too much!  I have got to learn to change my eating habits to accomodate this "older" body!  I must learn to graze instead of eating at the trough! lol  Not to mention the habits of adding much more fiber and drinking more water!  Both are absolutely necessary for gallbladder health and contentment! (as well as many other organs! lol)  Anyway, once again, sleep was rather elusive.  But the good news about that was the next day was Sunday--Day 5--the day of rest!  So after church (very good) and lunch with church family (also very good), there was napping (exquisite)!  I miss Sunday afternoon napping.  I grew up doing it, but with my current work hours (including early bedtime), an afternoon nap is usually counterproductive.  But this Sunday I did not have to work the next day, so napping was definitely the thing to do!  Ahhhh......so lovely.  Sunday was finished off by a visit from some very dear friends.  There was singing and music and food (homemade ice cream!) and much, much laughter.  Positively delicious.  I really must take vacation more often!  =)

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