
Independence Day

It's Independence Day.  I thought maybe I would write about freedom or patriotism--something along those lines. But this morning one of my Facebook friends shared a link to a flash mob at Colonial Williamsburg done by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  It was lovely, of course.  Those Mormons know how to sing!  But watching that led me to search on YouTube for other "flash mob" videos, and when the search came up there was the video of the flash mob in the mall at Christmas time singing the Hallelujah Chorus.  You've probably seen it.  If you haven't, go to YouTube, search for 'flash mob' and it should be there.  It's by Alphabet Photography. This is my favorite flash mob video of all time.  I cry every time I watch it.  I don't know why, but something about singing so openly--in such an unexpected place--that Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, forever and ever, does something to me.  Its one thing to hear that proclaimed in church, or to hear it sung in a performance at Heinz Hall (that's in Pittsburgh, if you didn't know), but to hear it sung loudly and freely in the food court of a mall?  It changes things.  The words seem to have even deeper meaning---out where the rubber meets the road.  And on this day those words reminded me of this:  No matter what is happening in our country, no matter what is being said or done, Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He will reign Forever and Forever.  He has the last word.  Period.  He is in Charge, no man can change Him, and nothing happens that has not passed through His Hands first. How about some fireworks for that?!!  HE--the Lord of Liberty--makes Independence Day a true day of Celebration.  Hallelujah!

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