
Back to rambling

Ooh-eee has it been busy 'round here!  But I'll get to that in a minute.  Lately I've been thinking (yes, I do that sometimes. You needn't act so surprised) that I had begun to look at this here blog from the wrong perspective.  Somehow I started thinking that I needed to "craft" posts on certain topics instead of just doing what the blog title says: Rambling.  "Crafting" posts takes a lot of thought and energy, which means that 98% of the time I am Waaay too tired to post.  You've noticed this?  Ok good.  So what I have decided to try to do is get back to rambling--in my bare feet too.  Maybe then I can get more posts up, so this actually looks like a blog instead of a barren wasteland!

So what I've been doing.  I've been Mowin' and Sewin'.  Ain't that cute? lol  But it's true.  Now that the deluge has ended and the water has receded I've finally been able to go forth from the ark and run the lawn mower again.  What?  Oh, I've got my stories mixed up again?  Well, really it did seem a bit like we had returned to the time of Noah what with all the rain that was coming down!  =)  Fortunately the sun did not shine much while it rained---I know it doesn't usually, but sometimes it does!  But thankful goodness it doesn't too much or I would have literally had a hay field.  As it was, the humid, warm air was just what the grass likes, so it grew plenty while it rained, sun or no sun.  The side yard was so thick it really does look like I need someone to come bale it! lol  It looks yucky laying out there, but if you think I'm gonna rake........ha!  Maybe it will keep the stuff underneath from growing so quickly!  I like to kilt myself in the last 2 days trying to get most of it done just in case the rain started again.  One more section to go, and I rather dread that one because there are great bunches of sticks and branches that have to be picked up before I can mow it.  My neighbor now,  he mows the front yard no matter what is lying on it: pine cones, sticks, branches, whatever.  He and that Cub Cadet go flying over. Whir, plink, crunch, crack........!  I cringe for his mower blade, but maybe he can smooth out the dents himself, so he doesn't mind.  I don't think my little red Fred would take that too well, though, so I go through and pick up the sticks first.  No fun, but you gotta do what ya gotta do!  So that's the mowin' part.  The sewin' part has kept me busy too, but it's much more fun.  I'm changing--or adding too--my little business.  I'm making bags.  So far I'm selling pretty much every one I make, even making custom ones for local friends.  And I'm having a blast!  My one wish would be more time to make more bags.  My friends are sporting theirs and others are going to start asking about them and I still don't have any in the shop!  I also have some advertising opportunities, but how can you really advertise unless you have some product to advertise about? *sigh*  Ah well.  It is what it is.  I hope that someday I can get big enough to go part-time at my "day job", but for now, it's one bag at a time.  And I figure that eventually all my friends will have the ones they want for the moment and then will be time enough to put more in the shop.  Don't get me wrong!  A sale is a sale, no matter where it is!  I am having a great time sewing special items for my friends! I guess anyone else that wants a bag will just have to wait or add their name to the "Custom Order" list!  Makes me feel like a regular "boutique"! lol

So that's me in a nutshell---er, long post! lol  Hope ya'll are having a great summer!

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