
The Crud

I finally did it.  I tried to avoid it.  I even turned my back on it a few times.  But somehow, just like the sneaky viral thing that it is, it caught up with me.  Somewhere between last post and today I was invaded by The Crud.  Thankfully it has not been full-out flu or anything, just The Crud.  The thing is, sometimes just dealing with The Crud vs the flu can be the hard thing.  If I'm going to be sick I want that to mean that I get to stay at home in my jammies, under the covers, eating soup and crackers, and washing it down with juice and Sprite.  lol  Unfortunately when you just have a case of The Crud, you still have to crawl out of bed in the morning and drag yourself to work.  You're not sick enough to stay home, but you really REALLY don't feel like working.  You have to try to not cough on anyone while you listen to lungs and hearts and pull needles out;  you have to correctly read your med list and give the right doses while ignoring that pain in your face that is steadily growing; and you have to listen to other people's ailments, while desperately wishing for your comfy bed.  See what I mean?  Actually, I've survived quite well, and hope that this post will make you smile instead of feel too sorry for me.  Unless you can get me out of work for the rest of the week.  Then you can feel as sorry for me as you wish! lol  I think it may be getting better, though every day has had different symptoms, so I don't know what to expect.  Thankfully, tomorrow is off, so I can stay in my jammies if I want and drink juice all day long.  With my trusty box of tissues at my side of course.  =)

1 comment:

  1. K isn't feeling well today either :( Hope you feel better soon!
