
I really must do something about this posting every 5 days thing!  I know, there's no rule that one has to post on any kind of schedule, it just bugs me when I don't get posts up more often.  I can't help it, its my OCD! lol  Anyway.  There is something else that I have been trying to do, and so far I have done pretty well if I say so myself.  I get so frustrated at lack of time at home to do the things that I need and want to do.  And, since going part-time is not an option at present, I decided that I really have to get myself in gear after work and do a few things.  See the problem I've been having is Facebook.  I come home from work, get a shower, and then its 'sit down at the computer to see what my friends have been up to'.  You know where this is going, don't you?  After sitting at the computer for an hour I don't feel like doing one.thing. Not.One.  So I don't.  Consequently, what is left for the days off is too much!  This leaves me weighing the options of keeping house (or doing one of the other million things that also need doing) vs playing creating instead of having time for both.  This = frustration!!!  Feeling frustrated makes me feel like not doing any of it, so I get on Facebook.  You see my problem? lol  SO.  What I decided to try to do is to make a list--plan my week if you will.  I've started penciling in the things that I need to get done each day--and trying to be reasonable about what I can realistically get done if its a work day. In order to make this work, though, I have to stay away from the computer and Facebook until after I've at least worked on my list for that day.  Notice I did not say "completed".  Key words there! lol  C'mon!  A girl can't be expected to be perfect every day!  But I am proud to say that in the last couple days I have done good!  It feels good too, because when my day off came (today), not only was I able to get a lot done, I also got to play in my craft room!  Now if I can just keep this up.  I know there are going to be days when I am just too tired to do anything, or when I just "have" to go play in the craft room even if the list says "you must clean the bathroom". lol  I am not expecting Marine Corps perfection of myself in this.  =)  My goal is just to get better at my time management so there is less frustration, more creating---and a less messy house........=)   We shall see how it goes....

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