
Ahhhh Saturday morning!  Of all my days off, Saturday mornings are my favorite.  I don't really know why.  Maybe its the sense of freedom I feel because I have to work 2 Saturdays out of the month.  As a nurse you get used to the fact that Saturdays are a part of your work life, but it doesn't mean you have to like it. =)  So maybe its because I get to be lazy on a morning of the week when so many other people get to be lazy.  Whatever the reason, I love Saturday mornings.  I mean, even the air is different, don't you think?  =)  So this morning I'm in lazy clothes (translate fleece and jersey knit), nursing my first cup of coffee, cantina lights on, Cider Donut candle burning and CHRISTMAS MUSIC playing!!!  Yep, I finally broke out the Christmas music.  I couldn't take it any more! lol  Now let me insert here that I am all for Thanksgiving.  I hate it that Thanksgiving gets swallowed up in the mad, materialistic, "Holiday" rush that is pushed by the commercial sector of our society.  I like to savor Thanksgiving and celebrate it and decorate for it with pumpkins and leaves and corn stalks, the whole bit.  However, you must admit that there is a Real dirth of "Thanksgiving Music".  I haven't tried it, but I doubt that Pandora would recognize what I wanted if I typed in "Thanksgiving Radio"! lol  So, since I don't have Thanksgiving Music to play, I substitute with the Christmas stuff.  After all, Christ's birth is the One thing in life for which we should be Most thankful, right?  It seems appropriate then that I should play Christmas music for Thanksgiving.  =)  Of course there is the dilemma of where Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer fits in all of this.........lol 

I have wanted/intended to post more this week, but for some reason its been a week of exhaustion.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe its still from getting back into the swing of things from vacation?  Or maybe its because I'm now 40 and this is the way it is? lol  I know this is coincidental, but it does seem like I have felt way more tired ever since I hit the big 40.  Depression maybe? lol  Anyway, I hope to do better in future with the posting business.  I said "hope".  You know how I am! lol  I've been trying to think up a little schedule-type thing for posting.  I can't always think of what to write or I'm too tired to come up with something witty, so I just don't post.  So I though that if I had a few things that were sort of "pre-written", as it were, maybe that would help.  You know, like a "Blessing of the Week" or "Quote of the Week" post.  I've already started with the Wordless Wednesday---and as you saw, this last Wednesday was Completely wordless.........  I also really want to try making some new recipes, so maybe there could be a Recipe Review day.  Of course, with the way my cooking skills have been working lately, I'm not sure ANY of my reviews should be trusted! lol  (I don't know what happened, but recently I have had a hard time getting my cooking to turn out.  Maybe the skills leaked out with the 4-0 along with my energy?)  I'll see how it works out.  It would be nice to be all organized and post to a set schedule, but that's not usually how I roll, so don't know what will happen.....  But that makes life interesting, right?

Ya'll enjoy your weekend!  There are a ton of things I need to get done (you should see my kitchen......um, no you shouldn't really!), but 7 Wonders (computer game) is calling my name...........=) 

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