
My Name Is CJ and I'm A Chocoholic....

I think I may be addicted to chocolate.  Really!  What's that?  I didn't blog yesterday?  Yes, I know.  Thank you for reminding me of my failure.  Didn't take me long to bust that challenge wide open.  But I have a good reason.  Well, no, really I don't.  You see what had happened was.......I forgot.  I remembered, then I forgot, then when I remembered again it was too late.  But that was yesterday and today is a new day.  Remember what I said about goals vs resolutions?  =)  Now where was I when I was so rudely interrupted?  Oh yes.  My chocolate addiction.  I have loved chocolate for my whole life, but in the last couple years it has become a vital necessity---right up there with air.  I always have some around and generally eat some at least once a day.  Kind of like a vitamin, only much more pleasant! lol  The thing I've noticed is that I crave it.  No, I mean CRAVE it!  Have you ever had a craving that gnawed at you and just wouldn't go away?  One that drove you crazy until you went and got whatever it was that you were craving?  I have a theory about those cravings, and yes, I will share with you in one moment.  This crazy kind of craving is how I feel about chocolate.  When I'm working around the house, sitting at the computer, after work, after a meal, etc., the "need" can hit at any moment.  It's ridiculous, really.  So the answer I have found is to just keep some nearby.  That way I can pick up a Hershey Kiss and move on with my life instead of not being able to focus on things because I need chocolate.  The problem with chocolate is its rather high caloric content.  Combine that with my inactivity over the Winter and well, you know what is happening.  Not nice!  So when I was grocery shopping last week I purposely did not buy any chocolate, thinking that I couldn't eat it if it wasn't around and maybe it would help in the whole I-will-eat-better-and-lose weight thing.  Bad move!!  Vewy bad move!  I am going nuts!!  Ok, more nuts than I already was! Must you always point that out?  Yesterday I kept looking around for something to eat and nothing was fitting the bill because what I really wanted was chocolate.  When you want chocolate, you want chocolate.  Nothing else will do!  And today, the same thing.  I am an addict!  I mean, this craving has gnawed at me so bad the last couple days I have thought of making a batch of no-bake cookies or perhaps some cooked up chocolate syrup just to stop it! Don't ask me why I haven't just stopped by Walmart on the way home and solve this whole thing with a bag of Hershey's Kisses! I have no idea! Welcome to how my brain works! lol  I haven't quite gotten to delirium tremens yet, but who knows?  It's only been a couple days.   This 'addiction problem' is something that I've just noticed in the last maybe year or so.  Which brings me to my theory.  Sometimes I wonder if we crave foods that have things in them that we need at that particular moment.  What if our brains record and take note of foods with particular concentrations of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, etc and when our bodies need those things our brains sends out a craving alert.  Like, "Alert! Alert!  Body low on potassium!  Send craving for orange juice (or tomatoes, or dried apricots, etc) immediately!"  And of course the cravings are different for different people because our likes and dislikes are different.  Like my body is not going to tell me to crave beets if I need iron because I don't like beets much.  It would be a wasted memo and why would your body do that?  So what if there is something in chocolate that my body really needs at this particular time in my life and that's why I crave it so much?  Well!  It could be true!  Can you prove me otherwise?  Ok then.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!  It's either that or go sign myself up to the local CA (Chocoholics Anonymous, if you were wondering).  I'm just not ready for that.  Thankfully, it is now Spring.  I know, you're shaking your head wondering what on earth Spring has to do with my chocolate addiction.  I should just leave you wondering.  But I won't, 'cause I'm nice like that.  Spring means green grass and lots of it, which means that I will have many, many dates with Fred, the lawnmower.  This is a good thing because it also means I can keep my addiction and still lose the few pounds I gained over the Winter!  I just knew this lawnmowing would come in handy for something!  So tomorrow after work, I will be stopping at Walmart.  I just can't take it anymore!  Hershey Kiss anyone?  =)

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