
Cobalt yarn And Answered Prayers

Does it count as a post if I just write a one-liner saying I'm too tired to post?  Well you can't blame a girl for tryin'!  Seriously, I really really would rather be in bed right now.  But I will rise to my challenge of a post a day for this month!

Does God answer your prayers?  I'm not talking about the big, important things in our lives that we pray for and about.  What I'm referring to here are those little inconsequential-to-the-running-of-the-world kind of things that happen in our common days.  I don't know about you, but God answers a lot of these kinds of prayers for me.  A Lot.  Most of the time it's when I can't find something or am having trouble fixing something, etc.  Let me give you an example.  Last night I got itching to wind up the hank of hand-dyed lace weight merino yarn I recently purchased.  When you buy hand-dyed or "gourmet" yarn, most of the time they come in a hank and have to be wound into a ball before you can use them.  Since I am new to the world of specialty yarn, this also means I am new to hanks, which also means I am new at winding them.  The last hank of yarn I wound turned into a tangled mess and I sat for hours straightening it out.  I did not want that to happen with this one!  So I did what I do when I want to find something out:  I Googled it.  It's really amazing what you can find with Google!  Lo and behold, there were instructions on how to wind a hank of yarn into a ball.  =)  So last night I got out my new hank of cobalt yarn, draped it over a chair back as instructed and cut the string that held the whole thing together.  There was excitement in the air as I anticipated all this lovely blue yarn (1000 yards of it!) in a nicely wound ball.  Ha!  It only took a few minutes and I could see that it was starting to get tangled again.  This was very frustrating!!  I followed instructions!  This was not supposed to happen!  I went back and looked at the instructions again to see if perchance I had missed a step.  No, I had done what I was supposed to do.  I went a little farther, attempting to untangle and wind at the same time and getting more and more frustrated.  The last hank of yarn I did was only 550 yards and it took me probably 6 hours total to get it wound.  This hank was 1000 yards!  Do the math!  It was NOT going to be pretty!  So, as I usually do when I start feeling desperate, I started praying. (Just to clarify: I do pray when I'm not desperate too! lol)  And what do you know?  The yarn broke........ Oy me! Not the answer I was looking for!  So there I was with a tiny ball of yarn in one hand and this big ol' hank of yarn over the back of my dining room chair.  Great!  Not only was my yarn not wound into a nice neat ball, but I didn't even know where the end was.  Talk about desperation!  I very carefully lifted the hank of yarn off the chair and turned it round in my hands, praying that somehow I would see an end somewhere in that cloud of gorgeous blue.  I confess I didn't have a lot of hope.  Did I mention this is lace weight yarn?  For comparison, regular worsted weight yarn has about 200 yards in 4 ounces.  This yarn has 1000 yards in 4 ounces.  Take my word for it, it's fine yarn!  Much more easily tangled, much less easy to see a lost end.  So I wasn't feeling so hopeful about finding the missing end.  But I kept turning the circle of yarn slowly around, trying to not tangle the threads any more than they already were.  And suddenly, there it was!  I could hardly believe my eyes!  Talk about relief!  Of course, finding the end was only half the battle.  I still had to somehow get that yarn into a ball without a tangled mess.  So once again I draped the hank over the back of the chair and carefully started unwinding.  At first it was doing the tangle thing again and not unwinding neatly from the hank.  Then, again quite suddenly, it started unwinding neatly--like it's supposed to! I could have jumped for joy---but I didn't because that would have just tangled my yarn again.  lol  I now have a nice neat little ball of yarn (I say little, because it's not all wound yet.  That much yarn just takes some time!), as well as a thankful heart.  Whew!  Aren't you glad God cares about the little (albeit desperate) moments in our lives?  I am so amazed that He takes the time to care about them.  I mean, compared to His greatness, even the biggest problems in our world are small things.  And yet, He stoops to pay attention to my hank of cobalt yarn, and help me wind it into a ball.  Who wouldn't want to have a relationship with a God like that?

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