

I'm home.  I thought I better tell you all that so you would know I'm not still in gorgeous Maine on an extended sabbatical.  I wish I was.  But I'm not.  I know you were waiting for that news with bated breath, restless at night wondering where I was, if I'd gotten washed off the coast somewhere!  =)  But no, I am, in fact, still here.  Sorry for giving just a taste of Maine and then disappearing.  It was the ocean's fault.  That, and the crackling fireplace.  Both of them lulled me into a blogless stupor.  I couldn't help myself.  I had every intention to blog more while I was there, but as you can see....... I'm really a victim here!  Sucked into the beauty and serenity that is the coast of Maine.  It's a timeless trap, and oh so hard to leave.   Anyway, leave I did.  Because I'm a slave to duty and responsibility and all that, that's why! lol  I mean,  I really couldn't let my boss down, now could I??  Oh but I wanted to!  Unfortunately there is also the matter of moolah to be considered........sigh.....  So I'm back.  We had a lovely time.  I did notice, though, that this time we were all quite lazy.  It was like we were all just plain tired and needed a break that included a lot of doing nothing.  So most mornings we lazed around the house until Noon or 1, when we would finally get out the door to go see something.  We did a couple hikes, drove out to Schoodic Peninsula one day (hoping for some crashing waves, which sadly did not materialize as hoped), stopped in at Bass Harbor Headlight (simply a MUST if you are ever in Acadia!).  We would prowl around until dark then head back to the cottage and it's alluring fireplace like moths to a flame.  The nice thing about Acadia is that when the sun goes down, there really is very little to do.  Which means that you can head back to the fireplace without a smidge of guilt that you are wasting precious vacation time doing nothing but sitting in front of blazing logs!  It's wonderful!  So the days went something like this: I got up between 7 & 8 (because I can't stay in bed much later anymore!) and soaked in the quiet of the house enjoying my coffee until 9 or 10 when the others would start to get up.  Then came the comaraderie of the breakfast choices (donuts or creme horn or toast or cereal or.......decisions!) and the conversations between sisters.  Following that there was the packing of food bags (do you notice a trend here?) for the day's outing.  Seriously though, don't go out and about in Acadia without food!  The air there has some special spore in it that will start making you hungry as soon as you get in your car!  If you don't take anything with you, I promise you will be in starvation mode when you finally get back to your cottage because there is not much food available in the Park---unless you consider the few protein bars at the shop near Thunder Hole or the berries you find in the woods!  But I digress.  Once the bags were packed the adventure of the day began and would continue until dark/dusk---somewhere between 6 and 7.  Then it was back to the cottage for supper and fire.  This year I mostly spearheaded the meals, which was quite fun.  I love to cook and don't get to cook for others very often, so having that responsiblity was rather enjoyable. ( Not to say that the others didn't help!)  We'd eat around the fire and spend the evening there, enjoying the warmth. Can you see why it was so hard to leave?  6 days of this bliss---not nearly enough! lol  But I am grateful for what we had and am looking forward to next year.  Are you ready for a trip yet?  I can't say enough about this piece of God's creation.  I know there are lots of places in this world that are full of incredible beauty, but for me, this one does it every time.  Go see it!!  =)

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