
Things My Mom Taught Me

I was doing dishes earlier and was reminded of how my mom taught me to wash a sharp knife with the sharp edge away from you so you didn't accidentally cut through the dishcloth and into your hand.  It started me thinking about some of the other things Mom taught me.  What better day to think about this than Mother's Day?  =)  So here's a little list.  It is by NO means comprehensive or complete.  Mom has taught me more than I can put into words.  So it's just a little list.  =)

1. She taught me to make pie crust.  Good pie crust!  She is one of the best of the best at it.  Making pies is not hard now because she taught me that it isn't.

2.  She taught me that when "Christian" people do things that make you wonder, you hope that their hearts are better than their heads.

3.  She taught me to say Please and Thank You.

4.  She taught me that if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right.

5.  She taught me to crochet.

6.  She taught me to use common sense!

7.  She taught me that creative homemade things make wonderful gifts.

8.  She taught me to love the garden and growing things.

9.    She taught me how to use a candy thermometer. Once again, she made something that seems hard to be not so hard after all.

10.  She taught me to be responsible for myself and my actions.

11.  She taught me to clean up the house before Sunday--because Sunday is God's Day.  (Many late Saturday night vacuuming sessions come to mind!  We still laugh about how I hated those.)

12. She taught me that a true Christian woman walks the walk much more than she talks the talk.

As I said before, this is just a little list.  My Mama taught me---and still teaches me---so many things.  I am thankful for her every day.

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I Love you!

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful tribute Carol. And a mother's reward is in her children. Your life and your love is the greatest reward to your mother for all that she has done for you. She is very blessed in you. Love you! Your uncle Bob
