

Have you ever done something that makes you say to yourself  "Do I really want to tell anyone else about this?"  Yeah, well it happens to the best of us.  Just the other day I decided it was high time to get the water hoses out and hooked up.  I have a little garden planted, along with several pots, so watering is going to be necessary---and watering everything with a pitcher is a little much.  I have 2 hoses (they're orange BTW.  Has nothing to do with the story, just thought you might like to picture this event in living color).  So I drag my 2 hoses over to the outdoor spigot and dump them unceremoniously in a heap.  I mean, why would I think to keep them both neatly coiled until I got them hooked up?  That would be way too organized!  With 2 hoses there are 4 ends, right?  So from the midst of the heap I grab one end and connect it to the spigot, grab another and connect it to the sprayer.  This leaves 2 unconnected ends.  Connect those to each other, turn on the water,  and we're in business.  Time to stretch out the hose.....but there is a problem.  Because I am unorganized and did not keep the hoses coiled until the proper time, they are now a tangled mass.  Because I am who I am, I worked for a bit trying to untangle this mass of orange plastic.  Yes, I know, it would have been infinitely easier to keep things neat to begin with!  I didn't.  And yes, I know, it would have been, again, easier to just turn off the water, disconnect the 2 hoses, untangle, then reconnect.  But that's just not how I roll.  lol  After a few minutes of trying and re-trying to untangle this mess I realize that it is so twisted and knotted that the only thing to do is to disconnect, untangle, then reconnect.  Reminds me of how our lives and relationships go sometimes. lol  We keep tying ourselves in knots, trying desperately to work out the tangle, when what we need to do is disconnect for a bit (meaning, stop trying so hard), untangle (read Go to God for help!), then reconnect with the situations or people involved.  =)  Anyway. I finally realize that disconnecting is the only way I'm going to get this mass untangled, short of cutting the hose anyway! lol  But there is water pouring into the hose now and I knew that disconnecting meant there would be water everywhere unless I could kink it off somehow.  I know!!  You are all thinking, "Why not just go turn off the water first".  But that would be so easy! lol  I don't know why I'm like this, but I just didn't feel like walking over there and turning the water off first.  So I thought, "If I can just kink the hose before the connection..."  No, I don't know why!!!  That's just the way I am.  I would rather make myself work harder I guess! lol  Just then I happened to look down and say that the hose was already kinked, right where it needed to be.  All the better for me!  So I disconnect the 2 hoses........nothing happened.  No water, not even a drip.  Some of you know where this is going! lol  That was odd, because you know as well as I do that if a hose has been connected and filled, even if it is kinked off it is going to spew some water when you open the end!  So I start pulling hose, untangling it bit by bit.  Finally I came to the other end........Yep.  You guessed it.  I had connected one hose to the spigot and the other end of that same hose to the sprayer.......Need I say more?  Ok I will.  I had connected the second hose to itself........ Oy.  Dis is vewy bad.  lol  Somtimes I do believe my brain cells are Blonde in their composition!  =)   The good things to come from this unfortunate incident are that: 1. Maybe (I did say maybe) next time I will keep the hoses in order and make a point to connect them properly.  2. I didn't get wet when I opened the hose.  And 3. I got to amuse myself---and maybe you too---in the process! lol  So I propose a toast (my Saturday morning Starbucks in this case):  May you all have laughter (even at my expense), and untangled hoses (and lives!).  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh.....probably because it's EXACTLY what I would do!!
