
Christmas Eve

Here I thought I was doing so well, that it had only been since Friday that I hadn't posted.  And then I come here and find that Wednesday, not Friday was my last post!  What's up with that?  I'm sure someone must have taken a day or two out of last week somewhere! lol  Ah well.  Story of my life.

What I came to say is Merry Christmas Eve to "ya'll".  I Love Christmas Eve.  I love Christmas Eve even more than I love Christmas Day.  Know why?  Anticipation!  The very air is charged with excitement, anticipating what is to come the next day.  On Christmas Eve, the world just seems different, doesn't it?   I love being able to go to Christmas Eve service, to sing the carols and listen to The Story being read and remember again how The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  (With my work schedule right now though, I'd probably pass out before the first song was through! lol)  Even if there is no service, there is often family together, cozy at home, sharing food and laughter and games and music and love (and more food!).  You can hardly wait for Christmas Day to come, and yet part of you doesn't want it to come just yet, because once it's here you can't anticipate it anymore.  It's a paradox and I love it!  So enjoy your Christmas Eve.  There's a delicious holiday(or Holy Day, to put it more correctly) to celebrate tomorrow, but tonight is the night to revel in the wonder and anticipation of it.  A toast to Christmas Eve!!

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