
I'm off to Maine tomorrow! I can't believe its finally here! I will be flying and my sisters will be driving---its only fair that it be that way since they "only" have 500 miles to go, while I have about 1000 miles. lol So I fly. For once my suitcases are all packed except for last minute stuff. Usually I'm bustling about and going a million directions the night before I leave. Not this time. This time I was determined to get things done ahead of time, and I did! I was packed on Saturday night--2 days early! Whew. I think that has to be a record. =) Anyway, we are headed to Acadia National Park, which is one of the most gorgeous places on God's green earth. I have been there many, many times--so that by now its rather like an old friend. Its a fabulous place for resting and relaxing and enjoying serenity. If you ever get a chance to go to ANP, Take It! Put it on your "Bucket List". Now. Today. (We are supposed to have internet there, so I may just stir my lazy self to post a picture or two.) Its wonderful. And of course there is the whole going-somewhere-with-friends thing too. Its a great time for all of us to get together. We ramble and eat and laugh and eat and talk and eat and sleep and eat.......well you get the picture. Since I am getting there first, food-gathering is my responsibility. And when I say "food-gathering", please don't get any sweet images of me picking nuts and berries, or tromping through the woods for game! I assure you its all quite modernly done in the comfort of the nearby Walmart and Hannaford stores, and the only picking I do is plucking things off the shelves and putting them in my cart! lol  But that's tomorrow. Tonight its time to go to bed and dream of lighthouses and pines and waves crashing on the rocks.......

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