
Well, here's #2. I know, big deal, right? But I guess you don't get to entry #100 unless you have #2 first. =) Anyway, today was my day off and I spent a couple hours dyeing towels. So fun. I start with a pile of plain white flour sack towels and end up with beautiful colors. Today was Pearl Gray and Fuschia. Both turned out nicely, though I think the Fuschia did better. The Pearl Gray was a powdered dye and I don't like it as well. But it doesn't come in liquid, so... Now I just have to get some fabric medium and I can start painting on them!

As for this blog. There will be days that I will vent or get on my soapbox. That's just me. So for those posts I think I will title them "Soapbox Post" or "Rant" or something of that nature so that if you are not in the mood for that sort of thing you will know not to read them. Other days I might ramble about my craft love of the moment or a new recipe I've tried, or other mundane happenings of my life. I love the crafty blogs and the recipe blogs and diy blogs, etc, but mine is going to be a mixture of things---the way my life is. I work full time, so my crafting and card-making and cooking is all in between working, eating and sleeping. And mowing the lawn. Which is a whole other story. =) I don't have time to devote solely to any one thing, so this will be a variety blog and will depend highly on my mood of the day. I would like to post regularly, but again, I've tried this before and not managed it. So we'll see. I may post pictures, but I won't be doing any photoshopping to get them to look like magazine photos. Don't have time for that. Any photos will just be what they are--raw. lol I would like to make a few friends with this blog, and maybe get to know a few old friends a little better. That would make any effort at posting Well worth it. Here's hoping you'll stick around. =) Later.

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