

Yesterday I was on my way home (made a quick trip to Pittsburgh to visit my grandparents) and stopped at the grocery store for a few things.  As I was checking out I noticed an older man in the next lane chatting with the clerk.  They seemed like they knew each other--like he came in the store often.  Anyway, as he left, the clerk told him "Enjoy your Oreos" to which he responded "These are for my bride".  I thought that was so sweet.  Both that he still called his wife his "bride" and that he stopped at the store for Oreos just for her.  I love seeing people still very much in love with each other even when they get older.  My grandparents that I mentioned are like that.  You don't have to be around them very long to know that they are still crazy about each other--even after 65 years.   We don't know much about Love like that these days.  Too bad.  The world would be a better place if we did.

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